Hinrich Staecker

Hinrich Staecker

Company: MED-EL Medical Electronics

Job title: Medical Director


Exploring Drug/Device Combination for Precise Drug Delivery & Hearing Preservation Using Cochlear Implants 10:00 am

Discussing hearing preservation using cochlear implantation as a model for therapeutic development for both genetic and acquired hearing loss Sharing results from MED-EL DEX-EL phase 1/2 clinical trials for drug-eluding electrode Stand-alone device drug delivery based on cochlear implantation for more accurate and complete delivery of gene therapies, cell therapies and small molecules into the…Read more

day: Conference Day 2

Panel Discussion: Developing Combination Therapy & Utilizing Cochlear Implants as Delivery Devices 3:00 pm

Understanding the limitations of using cochlear implants as the sole treatment Managing off-target effects and inflammatory responses by combining implants with drugs Discussing the challenges of delivering gene therapies vs cell therapies vs small molecules using implant devicesRead more

day: Conference Day 2

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