Our 2024 Partners


Turner Scientific

Exhibition Partner

Turner Scientific is a preclinical contract research organization (CRO) that specializes in
testing the safety and efficacy of hearing and balance therapeutics that are locally or
systemically applied. It offers computer simulation of drug distribution to the ear (Salt’s FluidSim model) as well as a wide range of animal models from cochlear explants and spiral ganglion cultures through in vivo models in mouse, rat, guinea pig, and miniature pig.




Innovation Partner

Cilcare is a biotech company specializing in auditory sciences with an R&D platform that promotes the collaborative development of drugs, gene therapies, and cell therapies for hearing loss, tinnitus, synaptopathy, and other associated diseases. Cilcare’s unique expertise bears on the very deep assessment of the auditory function, both in clinical and preclinical stages, with pharmacological models using advanced techniques related to the ear, including complex drug delivery, formulation, fluid/tissue sampling, biodistribution, efficacy and ototoxicity assessment, immunohistochemistry, histology, electrophysiology, and microsurgery.




Innovation Partner

CBSET is a premier preclinical translational research institute located in the Boston area. Founded with a mission to advance innovative biomedical research, CBSET excels in preclinical research and regulatory expertise, in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and academic sectors.  CBSET’s GLP-compliant, AAALAC-accredited facilities feature vivaria, procedure rooms, imaging labs, surgical suites, full histopathology services, SEM, and more, all under rigorous regulatory standards. Since its inception, CBSET has proudly been at the forefront of technical and scientific development.


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